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28 Mar 2013

Strategies Magazine: decision making, a result of emotions more than reason


In her article “Cet obscur objet du désir d’achat”, Anaïs Richardin underligns that “the process of decision making of a consumer results more of his emotions than of his reason.” While research unveils that unconscious and irrational govern our choices, she highlights the works of Daniel Kahneman, Nobel Prize in Economics in 2002, who says that “the decision is primarily the fruit of a “System 1″, which is the emotional, immediate and fast reaction we develop when we face a stimulus, and then of a “system 2″, a slower process of rationalization. This second system is mainly the one on which surveys focus, founding their results on the declarative rather than on emotions, although it is simplistic.”

She asked Christophe Rebours who stated that there are many things that we cannot explain as consumers, but ethnologists at research institutes like InProcess Research have that ability to capture this missing information by observation. They provide companies with advanced knowledge about behaviors and practices that are all paths for new product offerings and services.

A free translation of the article’s excerpts by InProcess.
