InProcess proudly joins Cap Digital, one of the major European clusters dedicated to the digital creative industries.
As a starter, InProcess has been invited to share its experiences on the Internet of Things usages in the Home environment during the Living Things #3 session.
Set up by Cap Digital and Systematic, Living Things is the think tank on the Internet of Things. Living Things #3 will be held on December 12 to exchange views and perspectives on a new field: the home.
The 5th ISPIM Innovation Symposium, dedicated to “Stimulating Innovation: Challenges for Management, Science & Technology”, takes place in Seoul, Korea on 9-12 December 2012. The ISPIM invites Christophe Rebours to speak on the innovation scenarios and their capacity to drive innovation, during the session dedicated to Innovation & NPD (December 11, from 9:00 to 10:30am).
Christophe will highlight how the I.R.I.S. method helps incremental and disruptive innovations emerge. Starting from a design thinking approach, he will detail how our distinctive hybrid combination of research and design, of their order and relationships, constitutes a powerful and reproducible methodology to avoid getting bogged down in the obvious, always expected ‘rules’ of a market.
Based on an LVMH case for Dior, he will step by step show how to broaden the scope to a more comprehensive question; how agile designers make a difference for the precious insights gathering stage, rapidly absorbing and indexing an apparent chaos of multiples insights; how their construction of visual scenarios that tell strong stories about new product or service experiences can help consumers (and internal teams) quickly reveal the vital components of an ideal story; and how management teams transform it into an impactful product or service solution – to successfully bring it to market.
For a change, we will not share with you what those 10 years meant to us, or how many exciting clients’ challenges we met, how many kilometers we travelled to observe users all around the globe, or how many innovative scenarios we created. Not that at InProcess we would not enjoy sharing our love of what we do! But as of today, we have instead decided to focus on a new challenge.
As if our daily rhythm was not hectic enough these days, we are providing our time, resources and expertise pro bono to a non-profit project. We are very proud today to announce that we are partnering with the fabulous team of Lamine SECK, Vincent LELANO, Charles KIMOU and Jeanne SAGNA to help them as they prepare an ambitious program of development for the Mbeubeuss dump site (Senegal) and its inhabitants. They have a dream where an entrepreneurial approach to cleaning up the waste from electronic and IT products will generate new opportunities for educating children and creating durable jobs. We are honored to be able to help them turn this dream into a reality.
For us, it is the cherry on the cake to celebrate a wonderful 10 years!
Stay tuned on Twitter for our weekly updates!
We were thrilled to gather our best clients for an exclusive visit of the FIAC contemporary art panorama. On our Grand Palais loggia, we spent a bright Sunday morning enjoying the best of the international contemporary creation. We are thankful to our clients for their presence!
The FIAC brings together modern and contemporary art galleries as well as the design sector in the heart of Paris. It provides a panorama of modern, contemporary and emerging art with 180 galleries coming from 24 different countries.
Do you feel a sudden urge to escape? Do you plan to catch a plane and evade yourself just a few hours from home? Then you are probably among those million people who regularly go on ‘city breaks’. For the 3rd issue of the INfluencia quarterly magazine, dedicated to mobility, Christophe Rebours signs a portrait of the city breakers and of this phenomenon which redesigns our weekends and gives services and tourism operators an opportunity to shape innovative offers.
Get the INfluencia magazine.
A video testimony by Christophe Rebours about the specificity of our innovation process is displayed at Helsinki World Design Capital thanks to “designers interactifs“. The association is settling in the Finland capital city from September 7th to 25th, 2012, in partnership with the “Agence pour la Promotion de la Création Industrielle” (APCI) and the support of the Institut Français.
8 videos are presented in Helsinki, in association with Adobe.
Grazia examines these people of the generation of the thirty year olds addicted to their studio and who refuse to move into a marital apartment. Asked by Raphaëlle Elkrief, Christophe Rebours explains why the small individual apartment becomes a refuge because “it is seen as a super-power, a pocket more or less permeable to multiple emotional states.“
Contrary to popular belief, France is a land of invention. But too rarely land of innovation. However, this is not the invention but innovation that will ensure the growth of our organizations!
A white paper on what a successful innovation is, by Christophe Rebours, InProcess’ CEO, in Marketing Magazine to read here (in French).
Christophe Rebours, InProcess CEO, and Laëtitia Ricci, Head of Societal Prospective, Mobility, Clients at PSA Peugeot Citroën, share the stage of the Adetem’s Innovation Club. They give insights about the virtue of the “shared client” approach for marketing and innovation.
When “our” client reloads his Navigo pass, posts a photo on Facebook from his mobile phone, orders a book on Amazon, buys a meal at Monop City and jumps on a Vélib city bicycle to meet his friends at night, he is successively the client of multiple brands involved in the mobility sector.
Together, we are always stronger!
How can different companies work together and share their “crossed points of view” on this client in order to acquire a better understanding of his usages? How can we observe this shared client through sociological and ethnological points of view? How can we leverage these insights to help each company offer him new and fruitful products and services?
Christophe Rebours will present the case study of the Impedimenta incubator on mobility, which involved key players of that industry (Aéroport de Paris, PSA, RATP, JCDecaux, Monoprix, France Telecom…). He will scrutinize two main themes: the “daily trip” and the “Citybreak”. He will also present in exclusivity the first insights from the new InHome incubator, on the home of the future.
Laëtitia Ricci will share the concrete contribution of the Impedimenda incubator to PSA Peugeot Citroën’s innovation projects.
Packaging Innovation: after the era of wrapping and of marketing support, the packaging becomes emotional!
From a need for conservation of food to that of a sales support that encourages the purchase act, marketing explored all fields of innovation to turn the packaging into a powerful tool for brands’ growth.
All? Not that sure… Christophe Rebours has presented the methods of innovation based on the observation of your consumers and buyers before, during and after the purchase of your packaging. He showed a concrete example of what these men and women are affected by the emotional dimension of the packaging. Untapped today by the brands, the emotion is a concrete and easy to implement lever of packaging innovation.
Creativ’ Pack is the packaging and innovation tradeshow in Paris.